.. _bpy.types.ShaderNodeMixShader: ********** Mix Shader ********** .. figure:: /images/render_shader-nodes_shader_mix_node.png :align: right Mix Shader. The *Mix* node is used to mix two shaders together. Mixing can be used for material layering, where the *Factor* input may, for example, be connected to a *Blend Weight* node. Inputs ====== Shader Shaders to mix, such that incoming rays hit either with the specified probability in the *Factor* socket. Factor Blend weight to use for mixing two shaders; at zero it uses the first shader entirely and at one the second shader. Properties ========== This node has no properties. Outputs ======= Shader Standard shader output. Examples ======== .. figure:: /images/render_shader-nodes_shader_mix_example.jpg A mix of a glossy and a diffuse shader makes a nice ceramic material.