.. _bpy.types.ShaderNodeTexGradient: ********************* Gradient Texture Node ********************* .. figure:: /images/render_shader-nodes_textures_gradient_node.png :align: right Gradient Texture Node. The *Gradient Texture* node generates interpolated color and intensity values based on the input vector. Inputs ====== Vector Texture coordinate to sample texture at; defaults to Generated texture coordinates if the socket is left unconnected. Properties ========== Type Controls the type of gradient generated. Linear Directly returns the input X coordinate. Quadratic Interpolates the input X coordinate quadratically. Easing Uses a combination of quadratic and linear interpolation to return a smooth gradient from the input X coordinate. Diagonal Averages the input X and Y coordinates. Spherical Creates an inverse gradient using the length of the input vector; the maximum value is at (0, 0, 0). Quadratic Sphere The same as Spherical, except interpolated quadratically. Radial Returns a value based on the angle of the input around the Z axis. Outputs ======= Color Texture color output. Factor Texture intensity output. Examples ======== .. figure:: /images/render_shader-nodes_textures_gradient_example.jpg :width: 200px Gradient texture using object coordinates.