.. _bpy.types.ShaderNodeTexSky: **************** Sky Texture Node **************** :guilabel:`Cycles Only` .. figure:: /images/render_shader-nodes_textures_sky_node.png :align: right Sky Texture Node. The *Sky Texture* node adds a procedural Sky texture. Inputs ====== Vector Texture coordinate to sample texture at; defaults to Generated texture coordinates if the socket is left unconnected. Properties ========== Sky Type Sky model to use. Preetham, Hosek/Wilkie Sun Direction Sun direction vector. Turbidity Atmospheric turbidity. - 2: Arctic like - 3: clear sky - 6: warm/moist day - 10: hazy day Ground Albedo Amount of light reflected from the planet surface back into the atmosphere. (RGB(0, 0, 0) is black, RGB(1, 1, 1) is white.) Outputs ======= Color Texture color output. Examples ======== .. figure:: /images/render_shader-nodes_textures_sky_example.jpg :width: 200px Example of Sky Texture.