.. |pivot-icon| image:: /images/scene-layout_object_editing_transform_control_pivot-point_menu.png .. _pivot-point-index: ############### Pivot Point ############### .. admonition:: Reference :class: refbox :Mode: Object Mode and Edit Mode :Header: |pivot-icon| :menuselection:`Pivot Point` When rotating or scaling an object or group of vertices/edges/faces, you may want to shift the :term:`pivot point` to make it easier to manipulate an object. Using this selector in the header of any 3D View, you can change the location of the pivot point. Pivot Types =========== .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 bounding_box_center.rst 3d_cursor.rst individual_origins.rst median_point.rst active_element.rst Only Origins ============ .. admonition:: Reference :class: refbox :Mode: Object Mode and Pose Mode :Header: :menuselection:`Pivot Point --> Only Origins` .. figure:: /images/scene-layout_object_editing_transform_control_pivot-point_popover.png *Only Origins* is located inside the Pivot Point popover of the 3D View. When this option is enabled, the transformation will change the positions of the object's origins, but will not affect the object itself. In the examples below, a comparison of the scaling and rotation of objects, when *Only Origins* is enabled (middle) and disabled (right). .. figure:: /images/scene-layout_object_editing_transform_control_pivot-point_index_rotate.png Rotation example. .. figure:: /images/scene-layout_object_editing_transform_control_pivot-point_index_scale.png Scaling example.