*************** Recovering Data *************** Computer crashes, power outages, or simply forgetting to save can result in the loss or corruption of your work. You can use Blender's *Auto Save* feature to reduce the chance of losing files when such events occur. There are options to save a backup of your files like *Auto Save* that saves your file automatically over time, and *Save on Quit*, which saves your blend-file automatically when you exit Blender. In addition to these functions being enabled by default, the *Save on Quit* functionality cannot be disabled. .. note:: For your actions, there are options like *Undo*, *Redo* and an *Undo History*, used to roll back from mistakes under normal operation, or return back to a specific action. See :doc:`/interface/undo_redo`. The *File* tab of the *Preferences* allows you to configure the two ways that Blender provides for you to regress to a previous version of your work. See :ref:`Auto Save Preferences ` for details. .. _troubleshooting-file-recovery: Recovering Auto Saves ===================== .. admonition:: Reference :class: refbox :Menu: :menuselection:`File --> Recover --> Last Session` :Menu: :menuselection:`File --> Recover --> Auto Save...` Recover Last Session -------------------- The *Recover Last Session* will open the ``quit.blend`` file that is saved into the :ref:`temp-dir` when you quit Blender under normal operation. Note that files in your temporary directory may be deleted when you reboot your computer (depending on your system configuration). Recover Auto Save ----------------- The *Recover Auto Save* allows you to open the *Auto Saved* file. You will have to navigate to your :ref:`temp-dir`. The *Auto Saved* files are named using a random number and have a blend extension. It is important, when browsing, to enable the detailed list view. Otherwise, you will not be able to figure out the dates of the auto-saved blend-files. See Fig. :ref:`fig-troubleshooting-file-browser`. .. _fig-troubleshooting-file-browser: .. figure:: /images/troubleshooting_recover_display-file-date.png File Browser with detailed view selected. .. warning:: When recovering an *Auto Saved* file, you will lose any changes made since the last *Auto Save* was performed. Only one *Auto Saved* file exists for each project, i.e. Blender does not keep older versions. Hence, you will not be able to go back more than a few minutes with this tool.