.. _tool-grease-pencil-draw-circle: *********** Circle Tool *********** .. admonition:: Reference :class: refbox :Mode: Draw Mode :Panel: :menuselection:`Toolbar --> Tools --> Draw Tools --> Circle` The Circle tool create oval shapes. Usage ===== Selecting a Brush and Material ------------------------------ In the Tool Settings select the brush and material to use with the tool. The Circle tool uses *Draw Brush* types. See :ref:`grease-pencil-draw-common-options` for more information. Common Brush Options -------------------- You can configure the brush main settings exposed on the Tool Settings for convenience. For the draw brushes configuration and settings see: :doc:`Draw Brush `. Thickness Profile Use a :doc:`curve widget `. to define the stroke thickness from the start (left) to end (right) of the stroke. Use Curve When enabled, the stroke use a curve profile to control the thickness along the line. Creating Circles ---------------- #. Click (:kbd:`LMB` or the :kbd:`Pen` tip) and drag the start point. #. Release on the desired end point. #. After releasing you can move the start and end point by clicking and dragging on the yellow manipulators. #. Then confirm (:kbd:`Return`/:kbd:`MMB`) or cancel (:kbd:`Esc`/:kbd:`RMB`). While dragging you can use :kbd:`Shift` to make a perfect circle or use :kbd:`Alt` to create the circle from a center point. :kbd:`NumpadPlus` and :kbd:`NumpadMinus` or using the mouse :kbd:`Wheel` will increase or decrease the amount of points in the final circle. .. list-table:: * - .. figure:: /images/grease-pencil_modes_draw_tools_circle-01.png :width: 200px Click and dragging the start point. - .. figure:: /images/grease-pencil_modes_draw_tools_circle-02.png :width: 200px Moving start and end points with manipulators. - .. figure:: /images/grease-pencil_modes_draw_tools_circle-03.png :width: 200px The circle after confirming.