.. _bpy.ops.object.gpencil_add: ********** Primitives ********** .. admonition:: Reference :class: refbox :Mode: Object Mode and Edit Mode :Menu: :menuselection:`Add --> Grease Pencil` :Hotkey: :kbd:`Shift-A` In Object Mode, the *Add Grease Pencil* menu, provides three different Grease Pencil primitives: .. figure:: /images/grease-pencil_primitives_all.png Grease Pencil primitives. Blank ===== Adds a Grease Pencil object without any stroke. Stroke ====== Adds a Grease Pencil object with a simple stroke as a reference. Monkey ====== It creates a 2D monkey head. The Monkey's name is "Suzanne" and is Blender's mascot. 2D Suzanne is very useful as a standard test. .. note:: Materials and 2D Layers Adding Stroke or Monkey primitives also adds a set of preset materials and 2D layers to help start drawing with the new object.