********* Selecting ********* By default Blender uses the :kbd:`LMB` to select items in the Blender window. Alternatively, the :kbd:`RMB` can be used instead by changing the :doc:`Preferences `. Blender has several selecting tools that can be used across the different editors. Selection Tools =============== .. _tool-select-tweak: Select Regular -------------- .. admonition:: Reference :class: refbox :Hotkey: :kbd:`LMB` Clicking on an item selects it, using modifier keys you can perform other operations. .. _tool-select-box: .. _bpy.ops.*.select_box: Select Box ---------- .. admonition:: Reference :class: refbox :Menu: :menuselection:`Select --> Box Select` :Hotkey: :kbd:`B` To activate the tool, press :kbd:`B` or click and drag :kbd:`LMB`. With *Select Box* you draw a rectangle while holding down :kbd:`LMB`. Any item that lies even partially within this rectangle becomes selected. If any item that was last active appears in the selection it will become active. For deselecting items, use :kbd:`MMB`, or :kbd:`Shift-LMB`. .. list-table:: Box Select example. * - .. _fig-mesh-select-basics-start: .. figure:: /images/editors_3dview_toolbar_select-box_border-select1.png :width: 200px Start. - .. _fig-mesh-select-basics-selecting: .. figure:: /images/editors_3dview_toolbar_select-box_border-select2.png :width: 200px Selecting. - .. _fig-mesh-select-basics-complete: .. figure:: /images/editors_3dview_toolbar_select-box_border-select3.png :width: 200px Complete. .. _bpy.ops.*.select_circle: .. _tool-select-circle: Select Circle ------------- .. admonition:: Reference :class: refbox :Menu: :menuselection:`Select --> Circle Select` :Hotkey: :kbd:`C` *Circle Select* :kbd:`C` allows you to select multiple items within a circular area. Move your mouse over any items within the circular area (shown with a dotted circle) while holding :kbd:`LMB` to select those items. Alternatively, use :kbd:`MMB` to deselect them. When you're done selecting, press :kbd:`RMB` or :kbd:`Esc`. To change the diameter of the circle, scroll with the :kbd:`Wheel` or use the :kbd:`NumpadPlus` and :kbd:`NumpadMinus` keys. .. list-table:: Circle Select example. * - .. figure:: /images/editors_3dview_toolbar_select-circle_circle-select1.png :width: 320px Start. - .. figure:: /images/editors_3dview_toolbar_select-circle_circle-select2.png :width: 320px Selecting. - .. figure:: /images/editors_3dview_toolbar_select-circle_circle-select3.png :width: 320px Dragging. .. _bpy.ops.*.select_lasso: .. _tool-select-lasso: Select Lasso ------------ .. admonition:: Reference :class: refbox :Hotkey: :kbd:`Ctrl-RMB` *Lasso Select* is used to create a free-form selection. Simply hold :kbd:`Ctrl-RMB` while drawing a dotted line around the items you want to select. The shape you draw will be automatically closed by connecting a line from the current position back to the starting point. *Lasso Select* adds to the previous selection. For deselection, use :kbd:`Shift-Ctrl-RMB`. .. list-table:: An example of using the *Lasso Select tool* in *Vertex Select Mode*. * - .. figure:: /images/editors_3dview_toolbar_select-lasso_lasso-select1.png :width: 200px Start. - .. figure:: /images/editors_3dview_toolbar_select-lasso_lasso-select2.png :width: 200px Selecting. - .. figure:: /images/editors_3dview_toolbar_select-lasso_lasso-select3.png :width: 200px Complete. Selecting Modes =============== .. admonition:: Reference :class: refbox :Tool: Select Tools :Panel: :menuselection:`Tool Settings --> Mode` Each tool has some sort of mode to configure how to tool interacts with existing selections. Note that not every selection tool supports each of these modes. Set Sets a new selection ignoring any existing selections. Extend Adds newly selected items to the existing selection. The selection can also be extended by :kbd:`Shift-LMB`. Subtract Removes newly selected items from the existing selection. Items can be removed from the selection by :kbd:`Shift-LMB` already selected items. Invert Selects non-selected items and deselects existing selection. The selection can also be inverted by :kbd:`Ctrl-I`. Intersect Selects items that intersect with existing selection.