************* Tabs & Panels ************* Tabs ==== .. figure:: /images/interface_window-system_tabs-panels_tabs.png :align: right :figwidth: 300px Top: Horizontal Tab header in the Topbar. Bottom: Vertical Tab header shows tab icons in the Properties Editor. Tabs are used to control overlapping sections in the user interface. Contents of only one Tab is visible at a time. Tabs are listed in *Tab header*, which can be vertical or horizontal. Switching/Cycling ----------------- Vertical tabs can be switched with :kbd:`Ctrl-Wheel` from anywhere in the region, and horizontal tabs with mouse cursor over tab headings. You can also cycle through tabs with :kbd:`Ctrl-Tab` and :kbd:`Shift-Ctrl-Tab`, or press down :kbd:`LMB` and move mouse over tab header icons. .. container:: lead .. clear .. _ui-panels: .. _bpy.types.Panel: Panels ====== .. figure:: /images/interface_window-system_tabs-panels_panels.png :align: right :figwidth: 200px Panels in Properties editor. A panel is highlighted in yellow and a sub-panel in red. The smallest organizational unit in the user interface is a panel. *Panel header* is always visible, and it shows the title for the panel. Panels may also include sub-panels. Collapsing and Expanding ------------------------ A panel can either be expanded to show its contents, or collapsed to hide its contents. An expanded panel is indicated by a down-arrow (▼) in the panel header, while a collapsed panel is shown with a right-arrow (►). - A click with the :kbd:`LMB` on the panel header expands or collapses it. - Pressing :kbd:`A` expands/collapses the panel under the mouse pointer. - A :kbd:`Ctrl-LMB` click on the header of a specific panel will collapse all other panels and make this the only expanded one. - Dragging with :kbd:`LMB` over the headers will expand or collapse many at once. Position -------- You can change the position of a panel within its region by clicking and dragging it with the :kbd:`LMB` on the grip widget (\:\:\:\:) located in the Panel Header on the right side. Pinning ------- Sometimes it is desirable to view panels from different tabs at the same time. This has been solved by making panels pinnable. A pinned panel remains visible regardless of which tab has been selected. You can pin a panel by clicking on the pin icon in its header. Panels that do not have a pin icon can also be pinned by :kbd:`RMB` and selecting *Pin*, alternatively you use :kbd:`Shift-LMB` on the panel to also pin it. Zoom ---- The zoom factor of a whole region with panels can be changed by :kbd:`Ctrl-MMB` clicking and moving the mouse anywhere within that region or use the :kbd:`NumpadPlus` and :kbd:`NumpadMinus` to zoom in and out the contents. Pressing :kbd:`Home` (Show All) will reset the zooming at the screen/panel focused by the mouse pointer.