.. |pivot-icon| image:: /images/scene-layout_object_editing_transform_control_pivot-point_menu.png .. _pivot-point-index: ############### Pivot Point ############### .. admonition:: Reference :class: refbox :Mode: Object Mode and Edit Mode :Header: |pivot-icon| :menuselection:`Pivot Point` When rotating or scaling an object or group of vertices/edges/faces, you may want to shift the :term:`pivot point` to make it easier to manipulate an object. Using this selector in the header of any 3D View, you can change the location of the pivot point. .. figure:: /images/scene-layout_object_editing_transform_control_pivot-point_popover.png Pivot Types =========== .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 bounding_box_center.rst 3d_cursor.rst individual_origins.rst median_point.rst active_element.rst