The Hook Modifier is used to deform stroke points using another object (usually an empty or a bone but it can be any object).
As the hook moves, it pulls points from the strokes with it. You can think of it as animated Proportional Editing.

- Object(オブジェクト)
The name of the object to hook points to.
- Vertex Group(頂点グループ)
Restricts the effect only to a vertex group.
- Strength(強さ)
Adjust this hooks influence on the stroke points, were (0.0 to 1.0) (no change to fully follow the hook).
- Type(タイプ)
This can be used to adjust the type of curve for the Strength attenuation. You can also define a custom curve to get a much higher level of control.
- Radius(半径)
- Uniform Falloff(フォールオフの均一化)
See Influence Filters.
The Hook Modifier stores points indices from the original strokes to determine what to affect; this means that modifiers that generate geometry, like a Subdivision Surface Modifier, should always be applied after the Hook Modifier; otherwise the generated geometry will be left out of the hook's influence.

Empty used as a hook to manipulate a vertex group (right eye of the monkey).