

  1. Pythonのインストール (ソースファイルをHTMLページへ変換するために必要)

  2. Installing Git and Downloading the Repository

  3. ビルド環境のセットアップ


  1. Download the Python installation package for Windows. In this guide version 3.9.x is used.

  2. ウィザードを通してインストールしてください。必ずPATHにPythonを追加してください。(画像参照):


    このオプションは make スクリプトでマニュアルを生成するために、必ず有効にしてください。


Installing Git and Downloading the Repository

In this guide, we will use the official Git client, though any Git client will do.

  1. Download and install Git for Windows.

  2. Simply check out the Blender Manual's repository using:

    cd ~
    git lfs install
    git clone
  3. The repository will now be downloaded which may take a few minutes depending on your internet connection.


This process can be completed using a graphical Git client, in that case you will just use the repository address in the URL field provided by your client:


  • Open a Terminal window.

  • Enter the blender-manual folder which was just added by git clone:

    cd C:\blender-manual
  • Install dependencies:

    make setup
  • 問題なく完了すると次のようなメッセージが表示されます:

    Successfully installed Jinja2 MarkupSafe Pygments Sphinx docutils sphinx-rtd-theme Cleaning up...

During setup, some warnings may be shown, but do not worry about them. However, if any errors occur, they may cause some problems.


Every now and then you need to re-run this command, to make sure dependencies are up to date.


make setup automatically creates a virtual environment using these commands:

python -m venv .venv
.venv/Scripts/pip install -r requirements.txt

This avoids interfering with the system Python installation, following PEP 668

The Sphinx command is available at:
