******* Editing ******* .. _bpy.ops.anim.keyframe_insert: Insert Keyframes ================ .. admonition:: Reference :class: refbox :Mode: Object Mode :Panel: :menuselection:`Tool Shelf --> Animation --> Animation --> Keyframes: Insert` :Menu: :menuselection:`Object --> Animation --> Insert Keyframe...` :Hotkey: :kbd:`I` There are several methods of adding new keys. Namely: - In the 3D View, pressing :kbd:`I` will bring up a menu to choose what to add a keyframe to. - Hovering over a property and pressing :kbd:`I` or with the context menu by :kbd:`RMB` a property and choose *Insert Keyframe* from the menu. Auto Keyframe ------------- .. figure:: /images/editors_timeline_keyframes-auto.png Timeline Auto Keyframe. Auto Keyframe is the red record button in the *Timeline* header. Auto Keyframe adds keyframes automatically to the set frame if the value for transform type properties changes. See :ref:`Timeline Keyframe Control <animation-editors-timeline-autokeyframe>` for more info. .. _bpy.ops.anim.keyframe_delete: Delete Keyframes ================ .. admonition:: Reference :class: refbox :Mode: Object Mode :Panel: :menuselection:`Tool Shelf --> Animation --> Animation --> Keyframes: Remove` :Menu: :menuselection:`Object --> Animation --> Delete Keyframes...` :Hotkey: :kbd:`Alt-I` There are several methods of removing keyframes: - In the 3D View press :kbd:`Alt-I` to remove keys from selected objects on the current frame. - When the mouse is over a value, press :kbd:`Alt-I`. - :kbd:`RMB` a value and choose *Delete Keyframe* from the menu. .. _bpy.ops.anim.keyframe_clear: Clear Keyframes =============== .. admonition:: Reference :class: refbox :Mode: Object Mode :Menu: :menuselection:`Object --> Animation --> Clear Keyframes...` Removes all keyframes from the selected object. Editing Keyframes ================= Keyframes can be edited in two editors. To do so go to either the :doc:`Graph Editor </editors/graph_editor/index>` or the :doc:`Dope Sheet </editors/dope_sheet/index>`. Examples ======== Keyframe Animation ------------------ This example shows you how to animate a cube's location, rotation, and scale. #. First, in the *Timeline*, or other animation editors, set the frame to 1. #. With the *Cube* selected in *Object Mode*, press :kbd:`I` in the 3D View. #. From the *Insert Keyframe Menu* select *LocRotScale*. This will record the location, rotation, and scale, for the *Cube* on frame 1. #. Set the frame to 100. #. Use Grab/Move :kbd:`G`, Rotate :kbd:`R`, Scale :kbd:`S`, to transform the cube. #. Press :kbd:`I` in the 3D View. From the *Insert Keyframe Menu*, select *LocRotScale*. To test the animation, press :kbd:`Alt-A` to play. .. figure:: /images/animation_keyframes_editing_keyframe-animation-examples.png :width: 600px The animation on frames 1, 50 and 100.