
Sometimes, you may want to animate a wall being broken down by an object,
or a bunch of objects collapsing, falling, or bouncing with accurate physics. You could
manually insert keyframes and do trial and error adjusting with F-Curves to simulate physics
and acceleration, or, you can do it much easier and automatically by taking advantage of
Blender Game Engine Physics. Blender now has a feature which allows you to record animation in
a Blender game and turn it into Blender Animation Keyframes.

Animation can be recorded by going :menuselection:`Game --> Record Animation`.
The animation can then be recorded with :kbd:`Alt-A`.

.. figure:: /images/game-engine_physics_converting_blocks.png

   Some Blocks about to fall.

.. figure:: /images/game-engine_physics_converting_blocks2.png

   A Pile.

If you just want a static pile of stuff, you can move to the last frame,
and delete all the keyframes quickly by turning them into NLAs and deleting.