*********** Object Data *********** Meshes The mesh :ref:`Data-Block Menu ` can be used to link the data between objects. Normals ======= In geometry, a normal is a direction or line that is perpendicular to something, typically a triangle or surface but can also be relative to a line, a tangent line for a point on a curve, or a tangent plane for a point on a surface. Normals help to determine the shading of the mesh among other things. See :ref:`Normal Properties ` for more information. Texture Space ============= Each Object can have an automatically generated UV map, these maps can be adjusted here. See :ref:`Generated UV Properties ` for more information. Vertex Groups ============= Vertex groups can be used to assign a group or weighted group to some operator. An object can have several weight groups and can be assigned in :doc:`Weight Paint ` mode, or in :doc:`Edit Mode ` via this panel. See :doc:`Vertex Groups ` for more information. Shape Keys ========== Shape Keys can be used to transform one shape into another. See :doc:`/animation/shape_keys/shape_keys_panel` for more information. UV Maps ======= UV Maps are used to map a 3D object onto a 2D plane that determines where a texture appears on the 3D object. Different UV Maps can be used for different textures. For more information see :ref:`uv-maps-panel`. Vertex Colors ============= Color data can be applied directly to an object's vertices rather than using a texture or a material. Colors can are painted onto vertices in :doc:`Vertex Paint ` mode. Geometry Data ============= Mesh objects can have different types of custom data attached to them. This data is mostly used internally and can export by some :doc:`exporters `. See :doc:`/modeling/meshes/properties/custom_data` for more information.