
Video Sequencer Header.
View Menu¶
As usual, the View Menu controls the editor’s view settings.
- View all Sequences Home
- Zooms the display to show all strips.
- View Selected NumpadPeriod
- Zooms in the display to fit only the selected strips.
- View Frame Numpad0
- Scrolls the timeline so the current frame is in the center.
- Show Seconds Ctrl-T
- Displays the time instead of the frame number, in the Frame Number Indicator.
- Show Frame Number Indicator
- Toggles the units of measure across the bottom of the time cursor between seconds or frames.
- Show Offsets
- Shows overflow bars of «extra» content from either cutting or sliding strips.
- Waveform Drawing
- Global option to either draw the waveform, or the strip info, or use the individual strip option.
- Sync Markers
- Transform Markers as well as Strips.
Markers Menu¶
Markers are used to denote frames with key points or significant events within an animation. Like with most animation editors, markers are shown at the bottom of the editor.

Markers in animation editor.
For descriptions of the different marker tools see Editing Markers.
Frame Menu¶
- Preview Range P, Alt-P
- See Preview Range.
- Jump to end of strip PageUp
- Current frame will jump to end of strip.
- Jump to beginning of strip PageDown
- Current frame will jump to beginning of strip.
Copy and Paste¶
Strips can be copied and pasted using the two icon buttons or through Ctrl-C and Ctrl-V.
Refresh Sequencer¶
To force Blender to re-read in files, and to force a re-render of the 3D View, click the Refresh Sequencer button. Blender will update and synchronize all cached images and compute the current frame.
Certain operations, like moving an object in 3D View, may not force the Sequencer to call for a refresh of the rendered image (since the movement may not affect the rendered image). If an image or video, used as a strip, is changed by some application outside of Blender, Blender has no real way of being notified from your operating system.
Displays the current frame in the background of the main view like in the Node editor.
Main View¶
Adjusting the View¶
Use these shortcuts to adjust the sequence area of the VSE:
- Pan MMB
- Zoom Wheel
- Vertical Scroll use Shift-Wheel, or drag on the left scroll bar.
- Horizontal Scroll use Ctrl-Wheel, or drag on the lower scroll bar.
- Scale View, Ctrl-MMB and drag up/down (vertical scale) or left/right (horizontal scale).
- Scale View Vertically, drag on the circles on the vertical scroll bar.
- Scale View Horizontally, drag on the circles on the horizontal scroll bar.
Time Cursor¶
To move back and forth through your movie, LMB click and drag left/right in the Sequencer’s main view by moving the Time cursor (the vertical bar which indicates the current frame). As you do, the image for that frame is displayed in the Preview region.
When you drag the frame indicator with LMB directly on a sequence strip, this will show the strip solo, (temporarily disregarding effects and other strips, showing only this strips output) and the strip will be highlighted.
When holding Ctrl while dragging it will snap to the start and endpoints of strips.
Real-time preview is possible on reasonable computers
when viewing an image sequence or movie (avi
) file.
Scene strips can use OpenGL previews or proxies for real-time playback,
otherwise displaying rendered frame is supported, but typically too slow for real-time playback.
Every other synced editor can be used for scrubbing e.g. the Timeline.