************ Introduction ************ .. The UV/Image Editor offers few options to edit images > Compositor texture mode. Header ====== Image Menu ---------- New Image Creates a new :ref:`image-generated` Image. Open Image Load image from a file. Read Render Layers Read all the current scene's render layers from cache, as needed. This can be used to save RAM while rendering because the render layers do not have to be saved in RAM. This can also be used to recover some information from a fail render. For this to work, :ref:`Save Buffers ` must be enabled. Save All Images Repack (or save if external file) all edited images. Replace Image Replaces the current image, while preserving the link to UV maps, with a selected file. Reload Image Reloading the image from an external file. Save Image Save the image, if the image is already a file :kbd:`Alt-S`. Save As Image Save the (rendered) image in a separate file :kbd:`F3` or you want to save it under a different name. Save a Copy Using *Save as Copy* will save the file to a specified name, but will keep the old one open in the UV/Image editor. Edit Externally Using the *Edit Externally* tool Blender will open an external image editor, as specified in the *User Preferences* and load in the image to be edited. Invert Invert Image Colors Invert the colors of an image. Invert Channel Red, Green, Blue, Alpha Pack Pack Image Packs the external image file into the blend-file. See :ref:`pack-unpack-data`. Pack As PNG Packs the image into the blend-file as lossless PNG. It is available as an option in the Operator panel or if the image was modified inside Blender and changes are not saved to the drive. .. important:: Rendered images had to be saved externally or packed. Controls -------- Image :ref:`Data-block menu ` used for selecting images. When an image has been loaded or created in the UV/Image editor, the Image panel appears in the *Properties region*. See :doc:`/editors/uv_image/image/image_settings`. - Render Result - Viewer Node Pin Image Displays current image regardless of selected object. Multi-Layer ^^^^^^^^^^^ When a rendered image is displayed in the UV/Image Editor, several new menu items become available. Slot You can save successive renders into the render buffer by selecting a new slot before rendering. If an image has been rendered to a slot, it can be viewed by selecting that slot. Empty slots appear as blank grids in the UV/Image editor. Use the :kbd:`J` and :kbd:`Alt-J` to cycle forwards and backwards through saved renders. The *Slot Name* field in the *Display Panel* allows you to rename a slot. Render Layer If you are using :doc:`Render Layers `, use this menu to select which layer is displayed. Render Pass If you are using :doc:`Render Passes `, use this menu to select which pass is displayed. Channels ^^^^^^^^ Draw Channels The radio buttons set which channels of the image are displayed. RGBA Replaces transparent pixels with background checkerboard, denoting the alpha channel. RGB Draw the colored image, without alpha channel. Alpha Displays the Alpha channel a grayscale image. White areas are opaque, black areas have an alpha of 0. Z-Buffer Display the depth from the camera, from Clip Start to Clip End, as specified in the :doc:`Camera settings `. Red, Green, Blue Single Color Channel visualized as a grayscale image. Main View ========= When :kbd:`LMB` dragging mouse the color under the cursor is shown in the footer as well the cursor position and the color values in the RGBA, HSV and Luminance :term:`color space`.