************ Introduction ************ Not only can textures affect the color of a material, they can also affect many of the other properties of a material. The different aspects of a material that a texture influences are controlled in the *Influence* panel. .. note:: Texture options for *Surface* and *Wire* materials and in some cases also for *Volume* and *Halo* materials. Surface and Wire Materials ========================== .. figure:: /images/render_blender-render_textures_properties_influence_introduction_surface.png Texture Influence panel for a Surface material. Diffuse ------- Intensity Amount texture affects diffuse reflectivity. Color Amount texture affects the basic color or RGB value of the material. Alpha Influences the opacity of the material. Also use *Z Transparency* for light and if combining multiple channels. Translucency Influences the Translucency amount. Specular -------- Intensity Amount texture affects specular reflectivity. Color Influences the *Specular* color, the color of the reflections created by the lamps on a glossy material. Hardness Influences the specular hardness amount. A DVar of 1 is equivalent to a Hardness of 130, a DVar of 0.5 is equivalent to a Hardness of 65. Shading ------- Ambient Influences the amount of Ambient light the material receives. Emit Influences the amount of light emitted by the material. Mirror Influences the mirror color. This works with environment maps and ray-traced reflection. Ray Mirror Influences the strength of ray-traced mirror reflection. Geometry -------- Normal Commonly called bump mapping, this alters the direction of the surface normal. This is used to fake surface imperfections or unevenness via bump mapping, or to create reliefs. Warp *Warp* allows textures to influence/distort the texture coordinates of a next texture channel. The distortion remains active over all subsequent channels, until a new Warp has been set. Setting the factor at zero cancels out the effect. Displace Influences the Displacement of vertices, for using :doc:`Displacement Maps </render/blender_render/textures/properties/influence/displacement>`. Other Controls -------------- Bump Mapping Settings for bump mapping. Method Best Quality, Default, Compatible, Original Space Texture Space, Object Space, View Space Volume Materials ================ .. figure:: /images/render_blender-render_textures_properties_influence_introduction_volume.png Texture Influence panel for Volume material. Special texture options for *Volume* materials. Density Causes the texture to affect the volume's density. Emission Causes the texture to affect the volume's emission. Scattering Amount the texture affects scattering. Reflection Amount the texture affects brightness of out-scattered light. Emission Color Amount the texture affects emission color. Transmission Amount the texture affects result color after light has been scattered/absorbed. Reflection Color Amount the texture affects color of out-scattered light. Halo Materials ============== .. figure:: /images/render_blender-render_textures_properties_influence_introduction_halo.png Texture Influence panel for a Halo material. Special texture options for *Halo* materials. Size Amount the texture affects ray mirror. Hardness Amount the texture affects hardness. Add Amount the texture affects translucency.