.. _bpy.types.ShaderNodeBsdfTranslucent: **************** Translucent BSDF **************** .. figure:: /images/render_cycles_nodes_types_shaders_translucent_node.png :align: right Translucent BSDF. The *Translucent* :abbr:`BSDF (Bidirectional scattering distribution function)` is used to add Lambertian diffuse transmission. Inputs ====== Color Color of the surface, or physically speaking, the probability that light is transmitted for each wavelength. Normal Normal used for shading; if nothing is connected the default shading normal is used. Properties ========== This node has no properties. Outputs ======= BSDF output Standard shader output. Examples ======== .. list-table:: :widths: auto * - .. figure:: /images/render_cycles_nodes_types_shaders_translucent_example.jpg Translucent shader example. - .. figure:: /images/render_cycles_nodes_types_shaders_translucent_behavior.svg :width: 308px Translucent shader behavior.