********* Selecting ********* Selection in *Pose Mode* is very similar to the one in :doc:`Edit Mode </rigging/armatures/bones/selecting>`, with a few specificities: You can only select *whole bones* in *Pose Mode*, not roots/tips... Grouped ======= .. admonition:: Reference :class: refbox :Mode: Pose Mode :Menu: :menuselection:`Select --> Grouped` :Hotkey: :kbd:`Shift-G` You can select bones based on their group and/or layer, through the *Select Grouped* pop-up menu :kbd:`Shift-G`: Layer To select all bones belonging to the same layer(s) as the selected ones, use the *In Same Layer* entry :kbd:`Shift-G 1`. Group To select all bones belonging to the same group(s) as the selected ones, use the *In Same Group* entry :kbd:`Shift-G 2`. Keying Set ToDo.