

Panel:Render ‣ Geometry

Volume Sampling

Step Size
Distance between volume shader samples when rendering the volume. Lower values give more accurate and detailed results but also increased render time.
Max Steps
Maximum number of steps through the volume before giving up, to protect from extremely long render times with big objects or small step sizes.

Subdivision Rate

These settings are used to control Adaptive Subdivision.


These Options are only available if Experimental Feature Set is turned on.

Size of micropolygons in pixels.
Size of micropolygons in pixels while preview rendering.
Offscreen Scale
Multiplier for dicing rate of geometry outside of the camera view. The dicing rate of objects is gradually increased the further they are outside the camera view. Lower values provide higher quality reflections and shadows for off screen objects, while higher values use less memory.
Max Subdivisions
Stop subdividing when this level is reached even if the dice rate would produce finer tessellation.
Dicing Camera
Camera to use as reference point when subdividing geometry, useful to avoid crawling artifacts in animations when the scene camera is moving.


These are global settings that apply to all instances of hair systems. The resolution of the strands is controlled by the step values in particle settings. Each hair system uses the material identified in the particle settings in the same way as Blender Internal.

Veja também

There are also object-level hair settings for each particle system which can be found in the Hair Settings.

Use Hair
Enables rendering of hair particle systems.

Uses a triangle mesh.

Number of times to subdivide the hair. Higher values gives better quality results at the cost of increased memory usage.
Line Segments
Uses a straight curve primitive.
Curve Segments

Uses a smooth Cardinal curve primitive. These interpolate a path through the curve keys. However, it renders slower than line segments.

Curve Subdivisions
The interpolated path is subdivided to give points to connect. The parameter subdivisions sets the number of divisions used.

Cylindrical segments between two points.

Cull back-faces
Excludes strands emitted from the mesh backfacing the camera.
Are flat planes following the strand direction facing the camera.
Min Pixels
Strands that are further away will be made wider, which is compensated with transparency to keep the look similar. This effect is only applied for camera rays. It works best with ribbon primitives.