Texture Paint Tools


The normal brush, paints a swath of color.

Usar gradiente

A gradient can be used as a color source.

Gradient Colors
The Gradiente de cores to define the gradient colors.
Will choose a color from the color ramp according to the stylus pressure.
Limitar (Truncar)
Will alter the color along the stroke and as specified by Gradient spacing. With Clamp it uses the last color of the color ramp after the specified gradient.
Similar to Clamp. After the last color it resets the color to the first color in the color ramp and repeats the pattern.

Uses a «blur effect» to soften or sharpen the image.


Is used to paint a blur effect.

Kernel Radius (2D only)
Blur radius in pixels.

A ferramenta de aguçamento aumenta o contraste da imagem conforme você pinta sobre a mesma.

Ajuste de nitidez
O ajuste de nitidez irá aplicar o aguçamento somente para aqueles pixeis que diferem mais do que o valor de ajuste em relação aos pixeis que estão em seus arredores.
Kernel Radius (2D only)
The kernel size controls how big an area the tool searches over is while calculating that difference.
Modo de desfoque

O tipo de núcleo de execução do desfoque controla como os pixeis avizinhados são influenciados durante os cálculos do feito de desfoque.

O método Gaussiano irá tomar amostras dos pixeis próximos ao centro do pincel em sua maioria.
O método Caixa toma amostras de todos os pixeis ao redor da área de maneira equânime.
Quando você clica, toma as cores abaixo do cursor, e as mescla na direção que você mover o mouse. Similar a ferramenta «Esfumaçar» do aplicativo *Gimp».

Copies the colors from the specified image (or location of the same image) to the active image.

In 3D projective painting the clone cursor can be set with Ctrl-LMB. In 2D painting the clone can be moved dragging it with RMB.

Clone from Paint Slot (3D projective only)

Use another image as clone source, instead of using the 3D cursor position as the source in the same image.

Compartimento de fontes de clone
This allows you to select an image as a clone source.
Image (2D only)
Image used as a clone source.
Alpha (2D only)
A opacidade da exibição da imagem de clone.

It can be used to fill large areas of the image with the brush color. The tool fills adjacent pixels that have a color value similar to the pixel you clicked on.

Fill Threshold (2D only)
Determines how much the color must be similar to the color of pixel you click to be filled. A low Threshold only fills very similar in color pixels. A higher Threshold fills pixels within a broader range of color.
Usar gradiente

Allows the use of a gradient to fill the image.

To apply the gradient with the Fill brush click LMB and drag to define the gradient line, or radius if a radial gradient is used (depending on the Gradient Fill Mode).

Gradient Colors
The Gradiente de cores to define the gradient colors.
Modo de preenchimento de gradiente
Linear, Radial


Desprezando definições

For projective texturing it will bypass some options for projective painting to paint the model. This means that occluded, backfacing and normal culled faces will always get filled, regardless of whether the options are activated in the External panel.


The mask feature maps an image to the mesh and uses the image intensity to mask out certain parts of the mesh out during painting. The mask options can be found in the Mask panel. It’s only available for 3D projective painting.

Mask Value
Mask weight, a value of zero means not masked, while one is completely masked.


Use the face selection mask to isolate faces. See Face Selection Masking for details.