
O Blender fornece uma diversidade de ferramentas para a edição de malhas. Estas são ferramentas usadas para adicionar, duplicar mover e apagar elementos.

These are available through the Menus in the 3D View header, and context menus in the 3D View, as well as individual shortcut keys.


All the «transform precision/snap» keys Ctrl and/or Shift also work for all these advanced operations, however most of them do not have axis locking possibilities, and some of them do not take into account the pivot point and/or transform orientation either.

These transform tools are available in the Transform section of the Mesh menu in the header. Note that, some of these can also be used on other editable objects, like curves, surfaces, and lattices.

Acessando as ferramentas de malha

As ferramentas de malha são encontradas em diversos locais, e estão disponíveis também através de atalhos.