This page discusses specific selecting tools for surface objects in Edit Mode. The Surface Edit more also uses the general select tools used which are described in the interface section.
Surface selection in Edit Mode is very similar to NURBS curve selection. The basic tools are the same as with meshes, so you can select a simple control point with an LMB-click, add to current selection with Shift-LMB clicks, Border Select, and so on.
Select Random¶
Mode: | Edit Mode |
Menu: |
Select random control points.
- Percent
- Selects the defined percentage of control points.
- Random Seed
- Seed used by the pseudo-random number generator.
- Action
- Controls whether the operator Selects or Deselects control points.
Checker Deselect¶
Mode: | Edit Mode |
Menu: |
This tool applies an alternating selected/deselected checker pattern. This only works if you already have more than one control point selected.
It works by changing the current selection so that only every Nth control points will remain selected, starting from the active one.
- Deselected
- The number of deselected elements in each pattern repetition.
- Selected
- The number of selected elements in each pattern repetition.
- Offset
- Offset from the starting point.
Selecionar vinculados¶
Mode: | Edit Mode |
Menu: | |
Hotkey: | L, Ctrl-L |
Select Linked will add to the selection the mouse cursor’s nearest control point, and all the linked ones, i.e. all points belonging to the same surface.
Select Similar¶
Mode: | Edit Mode |
Menu: | |
Hotkey: | Shift-G |
Selects control points that have certain similar properties to the active one. The Adjust Last Operation panel provides several selection options:
- Type
- Type
- Selects splines that have the same spline Type i.e. Bézier, NURBS or Poly.
- Radius
- Selects control points that have a similar Radius value.
- Weight
- Selects all points that have a similar Weight value.
- Direction
- Selects control points that have a similar handles direction.
- Compare
- Equal, Greater, Less. (only for Radius, Weight) (ToDo 2.76)
- Threshold
- Precision (ToDo 2.76)
Select Control Point Row¶
Mode: | Edit Mode |
Menu: | |
Hotkey: | Shift-R |
This option works a bit like edge loop selection for meshes, inasmuch it selects a whole row of control points, based on the active (the last selected) one. The first time you press Shift-R, the V row passing through (containing) the active point will be added to the current selection. If you use again this shortcut, you will toggle between the U and V row of this point, removing everything else from the selection.
Select More/Less¶
Mode: | Edit Mode |
Menu: | |
Hotkey: | Ctrl-NumpadPlus / Ctrl-NumpadMinus |
Expand or contract the selection based on current selected control points.
- Mais
- For each selected control point, select all its linked points (i.e. two, three or four).
- Menos
- For each selected control point, if all points linked to this point are selected, keep it selected. For all other selected control points, deselect them.
Isto implica em dois pontos importantes:
- Primeiro, quando todos os pontos de controle da superfície estão selecionados, nada irá ocorrer (bem como ocorre com a opção Menos, todos os pontos vinculados estão sempre selecionados, e, obviamente, a opção Mais não poderá realizar mais adições). Conversivamente, o mesmo ocorre quando nenhum ponto de controles está selecionado.
- Segundo, estas ferramentas nunca irão «para fora» de uma superfície (elas nunca «saltarão» para outra superfície presente no mesmo objeto).