Glossy BSDF
The Glossy BSDF node is used to add reflection with microfacet distribution, used for materials such as metal or mirrors.
- Color
Color of the surface, or physically speaking, the probability that light is reflected for each wavelength.
- Rugosidade
Input for the surface roughness resulting in sharp to blurry reflections.
- Normal
Normal used for shading.
- Distribution
Microfacet distribution to use.
- Acentuado:
Results in perfectly sharp reflections like a mirror. The Roughness value is not used.
- GGX:
GGX microfacet distribution.
- Multiple-scattering GGX:
Cycles Only Takes multiple bounce (scattering) events between microfacets into account. This gives a more energy conserving results, which would otherwise be visible as excessive darkening.
- Beckmann:
Cycles Only Beckmann microfacet distribution.
- Ashikhmin-Shirley:
Cycles Only Ashikhmin-Shirley microfacet distribution.
Standard shader output.