******************** List Views & Presets ******************** .. _ui-list-view: List Views ========== .. figure:: /images/interface_controls_templates_list-presets_view-filter.png :align: right This control is useful to manage lists of items. They can be found, for example, in the object data properties. Select To select an item, :kbd:`LMB` on it. Rename By double-clicking on an item, you can edit its name via a text field. This can also be achieved by pressing :kbd:`Ctrl-LMB` over it. Resize The list view can be resized to show more or fewer items. Hover the mouse over the handle (==) then click and drag the handle to expand or shrink the list. Filter Click the *Show filtering options* button (+) to toggle filter option buttons. Search Type part of a list item's name in the filter text field to filter items by part of their name. Filter Include When the magnifying glass icon has a ``+`` sign then only items that match the text will be displayed. Filter Exclude When the magnifying glass icon has a ``-`` sign then only items that do not match text will be displayed. Sort Sort list items. Alphabetical This button switches between alphabetical and non-alphabetical ordering. Inverse Sort objects in ascending or descending order. This also applies to alphabetical sorting, if selected. On the right of the list view are additional buttons: Add ``+`` Adds a new item. Remove ``-`` Removes the selected item. Specials A :ref:`Specials ` menu with operators context-sensitive to the item type. e.g. copy paste, or operations on all items. Move (up/down arrow icon) Moves the selected item up/down one position. .. _ui-presets: Presets ======= .. figure:: /images/interface_controls_templates_list-presets_preset.png :align: right Presets without and with specials. .. Share between properties. i.e. different nodes color presets. Selector A list of available presets. A selection will override the included properties. Add ``+`` New presets can be added based on a predefined set of properties, which will be saved for later reuse. A pop-up opens where you can set a name after which you can select it from the list and in some cases additional settings. Remove ``-`` Deletes the selected preset. Specials A :ref:`Specials ` menu with operators context-sensitive to the preset type. e.g. copy paste. .. saving preset: data-system?