********** Primitives ********** .. admonition:: Reference :class: refbox :Mode: Object Mode and Edit Mode :Panel: :menuselection:`Tool Shelf --> Create --> Add Primitive/Metaball` :Menu: :menuselection:`Add --> Meta` :Hotkey: :kbd:`Shift-A` There are five predefined meta "primitives" (or configurations) available in the :menuselection:`Add --> Meta` submenu: .. figure:: /images/modeling_metas_primitives_all-five.png :width: 620px The five Meta primitives. Options ======= Primitive Meta Ball Adds a meta with a point underlying structure. Meta Tube Adds a meta with a line segment underlying structure. Meta Plane Adds a meta with a planar underlying structure. Meta Ellipsoid Adds a meta with an ellipsoidal underlying structure. Meta Cube Adds a meta with a volumetric cubic underlying structure. Radius, Align to View, Location, Rotation See :ref:`Common Object Options `.