Grease Pencil

This Mode allows you adjust the timing of the Grease pencil tool’s animated sketches. It is especially useful for animators blocking out shots, where the ability to re-time blocking is one of the main purposes of the whole exercise.

This mode can be accessed by changing the Dope Sheet editor’s Mode selector (found beside the menus) to Grease Pencil.


Channels Region

Grease Pencil (light blue)
The channels region shows the Grease Pencil data-blocks containing the layers. Multiple blocks are used for each area (e.g. one for the 3D View and the UV/Image editor).
Layers (gray)
These channels contain the keyframes to which the layers are bound.

Main View

The keyframes can be manipulated like any other data in the Dope Sheet can be. Interpolated keyframes (alias breakdowns) are visualized as smaller light blue points.

Insert Keyframe

Insert Keyframe I can be used for creating blank Grease Pencil frames at a particular frame. It will create blank frames if Additive Drawing is disabled, otherwise it will make a copy of the active frame on that layer, and use that.