

The Node Editor.

The Node Editor is used to work with node-based workflows. The node tree type can be changed using the buttons in the Node editor header. However, here we will only give an overview of what the Node Editor is. In the list below it shows a list of different types of node trees and where each is documented.

Icon Name Documentation
Material Nodes Because there are two different render engines documentation is split between Blender Internal and Cycles.
Composite Nodes Documentation can be found in the Compositing section.
Texture Nodes Texture Nodes are covered in the Blender Internal docs.

After choosing what node context you want to use, you have to enable nodes with the Use Nodes button.


Tool Shelf

The Tool Shelf is a context-sensitive region, natively containing tools for the Grease Pencil and buttons for adding nodes. The Tool Shelf is organized using tabs.

Properties Region

The Properties Region contains properties for the current selected node as well as Node editor specific settings.