.. _bpy.types.CompositorNodeInpaint: ************ Inpaint Node ************ .. figure:: /images/compositing_node-types_CompositorNodeInpaint.png :align: right Inpaint Node. The *Inpaint node* is used to extend borders of an image into transparent or masked regions. This can be useful to solve problems like "wire removal" and holes created during chroma keying. Inputs ====== Image Standard image input. Properties ========== Distance The number of times to extend the image. Outputs ======= Image Standard image output. Examples ======== The left image shows the "wire" in place and after chroma keying has been applied. You will see you're left with a blank space -- it's shown as a black line here but it will be alpha in your Blender output. .. figure:: /images/compositing_types_filter_inpaint_example.jpg Inpaint Node example. Inpainting fills in a couple of pixels using the surrounding image and voilĂ ... your wire is removed. .. note:: The wider the "hole" is, the more noticeable this effect is! If you use more than a few pixels of infill, the effect is almost as irritating as the wire and your viewers won't be impressed. Inpainting can also cover up a multitude of other minor sins such as control points for motion capture: use it sparingly and it will amaze.