.. _bpy.types.ShaderNodeVectorMath: **************** Vector Math Node **************** .. figure:: /images/render_shader-nodes_converter_vector-math_node.png :align: right Vector Math Node. The *Vector Math* node performs the selected math operation on vectors. Select the math function by clicking the up-down selector where the "Add" selection is shown. Inputs ====== Vector Input vector 1 (upper). The value can be provided by another node or set manually. Vector Input vector 2 (lower). The value can be provided by another node or set manually. Properties ========== Operation Select the math function for conversion. Add Adding input 1 and 2. .. hint:: .. math:: Vector &= input_1 + input_2 Value &= \frac{abs(Vector_x) + abs(Vector_y) + abs(Vector_z)} {3.0} Subtract Subtracting input 1 and 2. .. hint:: .. math:: Vector &= input_1 - input_2 Value &= \frac{abs(Vector_x) + abs(Vector_y) + abs(Vector_z)} {3.0} Average Averaging input 1 and 2. .. hint:: .. math:: Vector &= \frac{input_1+input_2} {|input_1+input_2|} Value &= |input_1+input_2| Dot Product Algebraic operation that takes two equal-length sequences of vectors 1 and 2 and returns a single number. The Result is a scalar. .. hint:: .. math:: Value = input_1 . input_2 Cross Product Geometric binary operation on two vectors 1 and 2 in three-dimensional space. It results in a vector which is perpendicular to both and therefore normal to the plane containing them. The Result is a vector. .. hint:: .. math:: Vector &= \frac{input_1 \times input_2} {|input_1 \times input_2|} Value &= |input_1 \times input_2| Normalize Normalizing input 1. .. hint:: .. math:: Vector &= \frac{input_1} {|input_1|} Value &= |input_1| Outputs ======= Vector Output vector, converted by the node. Value Output value, converted by the node.