Weight Paint Tools¶
- Draw
- Paints a specified weight over the object.
- Blur
- Smooths out the weighting of adjacent vertices. In this mode the Weight Value is ignored. The strength defines how much the smoothing is applied.
- Average
- Smooths weights by painting the average resulting weight from all weights under the brush.
- Smear
- Smudges weights by grabbing the weights under the brush and «dragging» them. This can be imagined as a finger painting tool.
- Gradient
Applies a linear/radial weight gradient; this is useful at times when painting gradual changes in weight becomes difficult. Blends the weights of selected vertices with unselected vertices.
Example of the Gradient tool being used with selected vertices.
- Weight
- The gradient starts at the current selected weight value, blending out to nothing.
- Strength
- Lower values can be used so the gradient mixes in with the existing weights (just like with the brush).
- Type
- Linear: Alt-LMB and drag.
- Radial: Ctrl-Alt-LMB and drag.
- Sample
- Weights
- Sets the brush Weight as the weight selected under the cursor.
- Vertex Group
- Displays a list of possible vertex groups to select that are under the cursor.
- Annotate
Draw free-hand annotation.
- Annotate Line
- Draw straight line annotation.
- Annotate Polygon
- Draw a polygon annotation.
- Annotate Eraser
- Erase previous drawn annotations.