Структуризатор (Outliner)


Редактор Outliner (Структуризатор)

The Outliner is a list that organizes data in the blend-file, i.e. the scene data, Video Sequencer data, or anything that gets stored in a blend-file. The Outliner can be used to:

  • Просмотр данных в сцене.

  • Выбор и отмена выбора объектов сцены.

  • Скрытие и отображение объектов сцены.

  • Enable or disable selection (to make an object «unselectable» in the 3D Viewport).

  • Разрешение и запрет визуализации (рендеринга) объекта.

  • Удаление объектов из сцены.

  • Отвязка данных (эквивалентно нажатию клавиши X рядом с именем блока данных).

  • Manage collections in the scene.

Each row in the Outliner shows a data-block. You can LMB click the disclosure triangle to the left of a name to expand the current data-block and see what other data-blocks it contains. Holding Shift when clicking on the disclosure triangle will expand child data-blocks recursively. LMB Clicking and dragging along disclosure triangles will expand or collapse multiple data-blocks.

Выделение и активация


Selected data-blocks with the Cube active.

Selection is done with LMB (and/or the context menu, see below) on the row of a data-block. Single selections will also activate the data-block. The rows of selected data-blocks are highlighted blue, with the active data-block highlighted in a lighter blue.

Clicking in empty space below the list of data-blocks will deselect all.


By default, selecting data-blocks in the Outliner will select the respective objects, bones, and sequences in the 3D Viewport and Sequencer. Selections in the 3D Viewport and Sequencer will be synced to each Outliner. To disable selection syncing, turn off the toggle in the filter popover.

Children of a data-block can also be selected by clicking the icon that is displayed to the right of the parent data-block’s name.

Selecting Multiple Data-Blocks

Extend the selection one data-block at a time using Ctrl-LMB. Each data-block added to the selection this way will be made the active data-block.

Select a range of elements from the active element using Shift-LMB. To select a range without deselecting the previous selection, use Shift-Ctrl-LMB.

A click and drag from any location in the Outliner other than a name or icon will begin a box selection. Use Shift to add and Ctrl to subtract from existing selections with box select. Box select can also be started with B.

To select all items use A; Alt-A will deselect all items.

The keyboard arrow keys can be used to navigate and select in the Outliner. Keyboard selection and navigation starts from the active data-block, but does not change the active data-block.


Select the previous element in the list.


Select the next element in the list.


Select the previous element without deselecting.


Select the next element without deselecting.


Close the data-block.


Open the data-block to view children.


Close this and all child data-blocks.


Open this and all child data-blocks.

Toggling Interaction Modes

Selecting some data-blocks with LMB will toggle into the relevant interaction mode. For example, selecting the mesh data of the cube will select the cube and enter Edit Mode. Selecting the data-block again will toggle back into Object Mode.

If the data-block type supports multi-editing, you can use Ctrl to add or remove objects from the Edit Mode.

Relations Management


Linking objects to a collection.

Data-blocks can be dragged and dropped to manage data relations in the Outliner. To begin a drag and drop, LMB click and drag from the name or icon of a data-block.

Objects can be moved to collections by dropping on the name or contents of a collection. To link an object to a collection, hold Ctrl while dropping.

To set parent-child relations between objects, drop an object onto another object while holding Shift.


Drag and drop will attempt to operate on the entire selection. Selected data-blocks that are incompatible with the operation will remain unmodified.

Контекстное меню

Show the context menu for a data-block with RMB on the icon or name. Depending on the type of the preselected data-block(s), you will have all or part of the following options:


Copy/pastes selected data-blocks.

Delete (удалить)

Удаление выбранного блока данных.

Select, Select Hierarchy, Deselect

Add object to current selection without making it the active one.


Collections are a way Blender uses to organize scenes. Collections contain objects and everything else in a scene. They can include collections themselves and are fully recursive.


Read more about Collections.


Creates a new collection.

Duplicate Collections

Recursively duplicates the collection including all child collections, objects, and object data.

Duplicate Linked

Duplicate entire hierarchy keeping content linked with original.

Delete Hierarchy (удалить иерархию)

Deletes the collection and removes all its child objects or collections. It is important to note that this only deletes the collection, if child objects are part of another collection they will stay in the scene collection and their data-blocks will not be deleted from the blend-file.

Instance to Scene

Creates a new collection instance.


Hides all collections except the selected collection and any parent collections (if any exist).


Shows/Hides the selected collection from the View Layer.

Show/Hide Inside

Shows/Hides all items that are a member of the selected collection, include child collections, from the View Layer.

Enable/Disable in Viewports

Enables/disables drawing in the View Layer.

Enable/Disable in Renders

Enables/disables visibility of the collection in renders.

View Layer
Disable/Enable in View Layer

Disables/Enables the collection from the view layer.

ID Data Menu

Unlink (отделить)

Используется чтобы отделить блок данных от его «родителя» (например, отделить материал от меш объекта).

Make Local (сделать локальным)

Делает «локальным» дубликат текущего блока данных.

Make Single User (сделать однопользовательским)

Данная функция ещё не реализована.

Delete (удалить)

Удаление выбранного блока данных.

Remap Users (переоформить пользователей)

Remap Users of a data-block to another one (of same type of course). This means you can e.g. replace all usages of a material or texture by another one.


Copy/pastes selected data-blocks.

Add Fake User, Clear Fake User (добавить фиктивного Пользователя, удалить фиктивного Пользователя)

Добавляет «фиктивного» пользователя, так что выбранный блок данных всегда сохраняется, даже если у него нет пользователей. Фиктивный пользователь может быть удалён с помощью команды Clear Fake User.

Rename F2

Renames the selected data-block.

Select Linked (выбрать связанные)

Выделение связанных данных. Подробнее см. Select Linked.

Меню «View» (вид)

The view menu is part of the context menu and supported in all the Outliner elements.

Show Active Period

Centers the Tree View to selected object.

Show Hierarchy Home

To collapse all levels of the tree.

Show/Hide One Level NumpadPlus/ NumpadMinus

Expand one level down in the tree or collapse one level using the keyboard shortcuts.


Некоторые типы блоков данных вообще не содержат контекстного меню!

Restriction Columns

The following toggles, in the right side of the Outliner editor, are available for collections, objects, bones, modifiers and constraints.

By default only the temporary viewport visibility is enabled. The other options can be enabled in the Restriction Toggles option in the Outliner filter.

  • Holding Shift sets or unsets the value to all its child collections or objects.

  • Holding Ctrl isolates the object or collection, so they are the only ones with its value set.

Видимость (иконка глаза)

Toggles the visibility of the object in the 3D Viewport.

Enable Collection (checkbox)

Exclude the collection from the view layer. This is not really a restriction column. It is shown besides the collection icon.


The following options need to first be enabled in the Outliner filter.

Доступность для выделения (иконка курсора мыши)

This is useful for if you have placed something in the scene and do not want to accidentally select it when working on something else.

Визуализация (иконка камеры)

This will still keep the object visible in the scene, but it will be ignored by the renderer. Usually used by support objects that help modeling and animation yet do not belong in the final images.

Global Viewport Visibility (screen icon)

This will still render the object/collection, but it will be ignored by all the viewports. Often used for collections with high-poly objects that need to be instanced in other files.

Holdout (collection only)

Mask out objects in collection from view layer – Cycles only.

Indirect Only (collection only)

Objects in these collections only contribute to indirect light – Cycles only.

Пример редактора «Outliner»


The Outliner with different kinds of data.