Here are some preferences that you may wish to set initially. The full list and explanation of the Preferences are documented in the section Preferences.
, and choose the Language and what to translate from Interface, Tooltips and New Data.See Translation for details.
If you have a compact keyboard without a separate number pad, enable
.If you do not have a middle mouse button, you can enable
.See Input Preferences for details.
Файлы и пути¶
you can set options such as what external Image Editor to use, such as GIMP or Krita, and the Animation Player.В поле Временные файлы указывается каталог, в который будут сохраняться временные файлы визуализаций и автоматически сохраняемые резервные копии сцен.
Символы //
в начале пути означают текущий каталог открываемого .blend
-файла, используемый в определении относительного пути.
See File Preferences for details.
Save & Load¶
If you trust the source of your blend-files, you can enable Auto Run Python Scripts. This option is meant to protect you from malicious Python scripts that someone can include inside a blend-file. This would not happen by accident, many users leave this option on to automatically run scripts often used in advanced rigs (such as «Rigify» that controls the skeleton of a human rig).
See Save & Load Auto Run Python Scripts Preference.