Скелет – Skeleton

Орієнтир – Reference

Режим – Mode

Усі Режими – All Modes

Панель – Panel

«Арматура > Скелет» – Armature ‣ Skeleton


Skeleton panel.

У цій панелі ви можете впорядковувати набори костей по різних шарах для легшої ними маніпуляції.

Pose Position

Радіокнопка для перемикання між Позицією Пози – Pose Position та Позицією Спокою – Rest Position.

In Edit Mode, you always see armatures in their rest position, in Object Mode and Pose Mode, by default, you see them in Pose Position (i.e. as it was transformed in the Pose Mode). If you want to see it in the rest position in all modes, select Rest Position.

Шари Арматури – Armature Layers

Each armature has 32 layers to organize armatures by «regrouping» them into sets of bones. Only bones in active layers will be visible/editable, but they will always be effective (i.e. move objects or deform geometry), whether in an active layer or not. This property changes which layers are visible in the 3D Viewport. To show several layers at once, Shift-LMB on the desired layers to view. To move bones to a given layer, use Змінити Шари Кісток – Change Bone Layers.

Захищені Шари – Protected Layers

You can lock a given bone layer for all proxies of your armature, i.e. all bones in this layer will not be editable.


Protected Layers in proxy are restored to proxy settings on file reload and undo.