Fill Curve Node

The Fill Curve node generates a mesh using the constrained Delaunay triangulation algorithm with the curves as boundaries. The mesh is only generated flat with a local Z of 0.
Inputs – Уводи
- Curve – Крива
Standard geometry input with a curve component.
Properties – Властивості
- Mode – Режим
The type of geometry the output consists of.
- Triangles
The output is made up of triangles.
- N-бічники – N-gons
The output is made up of n-gons.
Outputs – Виводи
- Mesh – Сіть
The filled in curves.
Examples – Приклади
A single point spline can be used to customize the triangulation of the resulting mesh.

Here a curve object with a single spline with a single point at the origin is joined with the star primitive to customize triangulation.

This is the default triangulation without the single point.