Introduction – Вступ
Metaball objects (short meta) are implicit surfaces, meaning that they are not explicitly defined by vertices (as meshes are) or control points (as surfaces are): they exist procedurally. Meta objects are literally mathematical formulas that are calculated on-the-fly by Blender.
A very distinct visual characteristic of metas is that they are fluid mercurial, or clay-like forms that have a «rounded» shape. Furthermore, when two meta objects get close to one another, they begin to interact with one another. They «blend» or «merge», as water droplets do, especially in zero-g (which, by the way, makes them very handy for modeling streams of water when you do not want to do a fluid simulation). If they subsequently move away from one another, they restore their original shape.
Кожен з них визначається своєю власною лежачою в основі математичною структурою – structure, і ви можете у будь-який час перемикатися між ними, використовуючи панель «Активний Елемент» – Active Element.
Typically Meta objects are used for special effects or as a basis for modeling. For example, you could use a collection of metas to form the initial shape of your model and then convert it to a mesh for further modeling or sculpting. Meta objects are also very efficient for ray tracing.
Names of Meta objects are very important, as they define families, and only objects within a same family interact with each other. Unlike other object types, even edition (transformations) in Object Mode will affect the generated geometry within the edited families.
Visualization – Візуалізація
У Режимі Об’єкта – Object Mode, розрахована сіть показується разом з чорним «кільцем вибрання».

Meta Ball in Edit Mode.
In Edit Mode (Fig. Meta Ball in Edit Mode.), a meta is displayed as a mesh (either shaded or as black wireframe, but without any vertex of course), with two colored circles: a red one for selection (pink when selected), and a green one for a direct control of the meta’s stiffness (light green when active). Note that except for the scale transformation, having the green circle highlighted is equivalent to having the red one.