Resample Curve Node

Resample Curve node.

The Resample Curve node creates a poly spline for each input spline. In the Count and Length modes, the control points of the new poly splines will have uniform spacing.


Use a field as an input to have a different count/length for each spline.

Inputs – Уводи

Curve – Крива

Standard geometry input.

Selection – Вибрання

Whether or not to resample each spline. True values mean spline will be resampled to a poly spline, false values mean the spline will be unaffected.

Count – Рахунок

The number of control points on the new splines.

Довжина – Length

The approximate length between the control points of the new splines.


A Trim Curve Node can be used with a multiple of the input length to make the distance between each sampled point exact, even when the length of the spline changes.

Properties – Властивості

Mode – Режим

How to specify the amount of samples.

Count – Рахунок:

Sample the specified number of points along each spline.

Довжина – Length:

Calculate the number of samples by splitting each spline into segments with the specified length. The length will be rounded down so that a whole number of samples will fit in each input spline.


Evaluate the spline’s points based on the resolution attribute for NURBS and Bézier splines. Changes nothing for poly splines.

Outputs – Виводи

Curve – Крива

Standard geometry output.