Random Value Node

Random Value node.

The Random Value node outputs a white noise like value as a Float, Integer, Vector, or Boolean field.

Inputs – Уводи

Min – Мін

The minimum value of the range where random values are sampled from. This input is only available for Float, Integer, and Vector types.

Max – Макс

The maximum value of the range where random values are sampled from. This input is only available for Float, Integer, and Vector types.


The probability ratio for the random Boolean output to be True. This input is only available for Boolean types.

ID – Ідентифікатор

An ID to drive the random number generator seed. By default, this input uses the same value as of the ID Node, which is the id attribute of the context geometry if it exists, and otherwise the index.


Single Random Value

By default, the random value node generates a value for each unique index. If a single random value is desired, connect a single value (such as an Integer Node ) to the ID input.

Базис – Seed

A field to Seed the random number generator. This can be used to generate a different set of random values, even for two nodes with the same ID input.

Properties – Властивості

Тип Даних – Data Type

The output will be a Float field.


The output will be an Integer field.

Vector – Вектор:

The output will be a Vector field.

Boolean – Булів:

The output will be a Boolean field.

Outputs – Виводи

Value – Значення

Random values as a field.