Phương Pháp Đặt Nét Vẽ
Tham Chiếu
- Chế Độ
Chế Độ Vẽ
- Tiêu Đề
The Stroke Placement selector helps to select the location in which the newly created strokes are drawn.
Ghi chú
The Stroke Placement selected has effect only for new strokes and does not affect the existing ones.
Các Tùy Chọn về Xếp Đặt
- Tọa Độ Gốc
Strokes are placed at Grease Pencil object origin.
- Con Trỏ 3D
Strokes are placed at 3D cursor.
- Bề Mặt
Strokes will stick on mesh surfaces.
- Dịch Chuyển
Distance from the mesh surface to place the new strokes.
- Nét Vẽ
Strokes will stick on other strokes.
- Mục Tiêu
- Toàn bộ các điểm
All the points of the new stroke sticks to other strokes.
- Điểm cuối cùng
Only the start and end points of the new stroke sticks to other strokes.
- Điểm đầu tiên
Only the start point of the new stroke sticks to other strokes.