Máy Cắt Gọt (Carver)

Cut and Boolean objects directly in the 3D Viewport.

Kích Hoạt (Activation)

  • Mở Blender và chuyển đến Cấu Hình, sau đó đến thẻ Trình Bổ Sung.

  • Click Object then Carver to enable the script.

Miêu Tả (Description)

If you have an active bevel on the object to be cut, it will update automatically as well as objects that will be created.

To begin, select one or more objects, depending on the number of objects, the add-on will adjust to that. One object, you can cut (basic operation) and use the default patterns. Multiple objects, you can also cut, use patterns, and the last selected object serves as a "brush". If you enter in the Profile Brush mode. It works on all selected objects, so you can cut two objects or apply a "brush" to all objects at the same time.

The add-on is more accurate on orthographic view for basic Boolean operations. For others operations you can use the view if you wish.

  • Shift-Ctrl-X to call the add-on.

  • RMB to exit.

  • Ctrl-Z to Undo (there are no limits, so be careful to not overload it).

  • H to have the help when the screen is large enough to display.

Thao Tác Lôgic Bool Cơ Bản (Basic Boolean Operations)

This mode is active when you run the add-on at start.

Nhắc Lại Phép Toán Bool (Rebool) Shift

Holding Shift allows to make a rebool.

Di Chuyển Toàn Bộ (Move All) Alt

Allows you to move the cut.

Độ Sâu của Con Trỏ (Cursor Depth) D

To use the position of the cursor as depth.

Di Chuyển Con Trỏ (Move Cursor) Ctrl-NCT (LMB)

You can move the cursor with Ctrl-LMB.

Thể Loại Công Cụ (Tool Type) Dấu Cách (Spacebar)

To change the tool.

Hình Chữ Nhật (Rectangle)

The Rectangle tool. Click, move and then click again to confirm the operation.

Đường Nét/Thẳng/Dòng (Line)

The Line tool to polygonal cuts. It also allows you to bisect one or more objects. Click to the start point, move to the desired end point and then press Spacebar to confirm the cutting.

Holding Ctrl allows to move incrementally.

Hình/Vòng/Tròn (Circle)

The Circle tool, click then move to change the radius (vertical axis) or rotation (horizontal axis).

Mức Phân Chia (Subdivision) W, X

Allows to change the circle subdivisions.

Tạo Hình Học (Create Geometry) C

Switch to Create Mode. It reacts in the same way as above for shortcuts. Once validated, the add-on stops and selects the object created.

Trắc Nghiệm Đầu Bút (Profile Brush)

When in profile mode, flat objects are present by default. You can add your own with the ProfilCreate.py file that will be explain after (ToDo).

B to enter this mode when you are in basic Boolean operations. If you move your mouse over the object, you will see an overview of the pattern that you can use and a preview at the bottom right.

Nhắc Lại Phép Toán Bool (Rebool) Shift-Dấu Cách (Shift-Spacebar)

For the rebool.

Tạo Bản Nhân Đôi (Duplicate) Alt-Dấu Cách (Alt-Spacebar)

To create the object.

Đổi Tỷ Lệ (Scale) S

Nội Dung Cần Viết Thêm.

Xoay Chiều (Rotation) NCT (LMB)

LMB and move the mouse to rotate.

Góc Độ Nhảy Cách (Step Angle) Ctrl Ctrl)

Hold Ctrl to rotate with 45° degree steps.

Thể Loại Công Cụ (Tool Type) W, X

To change the tool type.

Khởi Thủy (Instantiate) L

For instances when you duplicate the object (with holding Alt).

Độ Dày (Thickness) D

To change the thickness of the pattern. Then move your mouse on the horizontal axis.

Khóa Trục (Axis Locking) Ctrl

Hold Ctrl to constraint axis.

Thể Loại Đầu Bút (Brush Type) T
Hiệu (Difference)

To make a difference.

Hợp Nhất (Union)

To do a union Boolean (does not work with multiple objects).

Tham Chiếu (Reference)

Hạng Mục (Category):

Object (Đối Tượng)

Miêu Tả (Description):

Multiple tools to carve or to create objects.

Địa Điểm (Location):

3D Viewport Shift-Ctrl-X

Tập Tin (File):

object_carver folder

Tác Giả (Author):

Pixivore, Cedric LEPILLER, Ted Milker, Clarkx

Giấy Phép (License):


Ghi Chú (Note):

Trình Bổ Sung này được gói cùng với Blender.