Xóa (Delete)

Xương (Bones)

Tham Chiếu (Reference)

Chế Độ (Mode):

Chế Độ Biên Soạn (Edit Mode)

Trình Đơn (Menu):

Armature ‣ Delete ‣ Bones

Tổ Hợp Phím Tắt (Shortcut):


This tool delete selected bones, selected joints are ignored.

If you delete a bone in a chain, its child(ren) will be automatically re-parented to its own parent, but not connected, to avoid deforming the whole armature.

Ví dụ về Quá Trình Xóa.

An armature with two selected bones, just before deletion.


The two bones have been deleted. Note that Bone.002, previously connected to the deleted Bone.001, is now parented but not connected to Bone.

Tiêu Hủy (Dissolve)

Tham Chiếu (Reference)

Chế Độ (Mode):

Chế Độ Biên Soạn (Edit Mode)

Trình Đơn (Menu):

Armature ‣ Delete ‣ Dissolve

Tổ Hợp Phím Tắt (Shortcut):


Nội dung cần viết thêm 2.76.