Các Nhóm Xương (Bone Groups)

Tham Chiếu (Reference)

Chế Độ (Mode):

Pose Mode (Chế Độ Tư Thế)

Panel (Bảng):

Properties ‣ Armature ‣ Bone Groups

Trình Đơn (Menu):

Tư Thế (Pose) ‣ Nhóm Xương (Bone Groups) ‣ ...

This panel allows the creation, deletion and editing of Bone Groups. Bone Groups can be used for selection or to assign a color theme to a set of bones. In example to color the left parts of the rig as blue and right parts as red.

Nhóm Xương Đang Hoạt Động (Active Bone Group)

The Bone Group List view.

Bộ Màu Sắc (Color Set)

You can assign a "color theme" to a group (each bone will have these colors). Remember you have to enable the Colors checkbox (Display panel) to see these colors.

Bộ Màu Sắc (Color Set)

A select menu.

Màu Mặc Định (Default Colors):

The default (gray) colors.

nn - Bộ Màu Kiểu Mẫu (nn - Theme Color Set):

One of the twenty Blender presets by the theme.

Bộ Tùy Chỉnh (Custom Set):

A custom set of colors, which is specific to each group.

Thông Thường (Regular)

The first color field is the color of unselected bones.

Lựa Chọn (Select)

The second color field is the outline color of selected bones.

Active (Đang Hoạt Động)

The third color field is the outline color of the active bone.

As soon as you alter one of the colors, it is switched to the Custom Set option.

Ấn Định và Lựa Chọn (Assign and Select)

In the 3D Viewport, using the Pose ‣ Bone Groups menu entries, and/or the Bone Groups pop-up menu Ctrl-G, you can:

Ấn Định (Assign)

Assigns the selected bones to the active bone group. It is important to note that a bone can only belong to one group.

Xóa (Remove)

Removes the selected bones from the active bone group.

Lựa Chọn (Select)

Selects the bones in the active bone group.

Hủy Chọn (Deselect)

Deselects the bones in the active bone group.

Ghi chú

A single bone can be assigned to a group in the Relations panel.


Bones belonging to multiple groups is possible with the Selection Sets add-on.