Dữ liệu Đóng Gói (Packed Data)

Blender has the ability to encapsulate (incorporate) various kinds of data within the blend-file that is normally saved outside of the blend-file. For example, an image texture that is an external image file can be put "inside" the blend-file. This allows sharing a full project as a single file, instead of e.g. an archive containing the blend-file and all its dependencies.

You know that a data is packed when you see a little "gift box" icon displayed next to its path.

Cảnh báo

Not all external files can be packed

Some typically heavy external files, like videos from the Sequence Editor or Movie Clips, cannot be packed in a blend-file.

Đóng Gói dữ liệu (Pack Data)

Đóng Gói Tài Nguyên (Pack Resources)

Tham Chiếu (Reference)

Panel (Bảng):

File ‣ External Data ‣ Pack Resources

Mark all eligible external resource files used by the blend-file as packed. Actual packing will happen on the next save of the blend-file.

Tự Động Đóng Gói Tài Nguyên (Automatically Pack Resources)

Tham Chiếu (Reference)

Panel (Bảng):

File ‣ External Data ‣ Automatically Pack Resources

When enabled, this option will ensure that all eligible external resource files, existing or added later, are systematically marked as packed. As with Pack Resources, the blend-file must be saved to the drive for this to have an effect.

Disabling that option won't unpack anything, but future external files won't be automatically marked as packed anymore.

Đóng Gói một cách Tuyển Chọn (Selective Packing)

A single file can be packed by clicking on the little "gift box" icon to the left of its file-path UI widget.

Mở Gói dữ liệu (Unpack Data)

Giải Nén Tài Nguyên (Unpack Resources)

Tham Chiếu (Reference)

Panel (Bảng):

File ‣ External Data ‣ Unpack Resources

Unpack all external resource files stored into a blend-file.

Các Tùy Chọn (Options)

Sử dụng các tập tin trong thư mục hiện tại [tạo bản mới khi cần] (Use files in current directory [create when necessary])

Unpacks all files in the same directory // as the blend-file, grouping them in proper folders (like ''textures'' for instance). However, if the final file exists already, it will use that file, instead of unpacking it.

Ghi các tập tin vào thư mục hiện tại [viết đè lên những tập tin hiện có] (Write files to current directory [overwrite existing files])

As with previous option, but if the final file exists already, it will overwrite it.

Dùng các tập tin từ vị trí gốc [tạo bản mới khi cần] (Use files in original location [create when necessary])

Unpacks all files in their original location. However, if the final file exists already, it will use that file, instead of unpacking it.

Ghi các tập tin vào vị trí gốc [viết đè lên những tập tin hiện có] (Write files to original location [overwrite existing files])

As with previous option, but if the final file exists already, it will overwrite it.

Tắt Đóng Gói tự động, duy trì Toàn bộ các tập tin đã đóng gói (Disable AutoPack, keep all packed files)

Only deactivates the Automatically Pack Resources option.

Mở Gói một cách Tuyển Chọn (Selective Unpacking)

A single file can be unpacked by clicking on the little "gift box" icon to the left of its file-path UI widget.

Các Tùy Chọn (Options)

Loại Bỏ Gói (Remove Pack)

Just mark the file as unpacked, without actually writing it or reloading it from the drive.

Tạo <đường dẫn tập tin cục bộ> (Create <local file path>)

Unpack the file at the proposed path, which is local to the current blend-file.

Sử Dụng <đường dẫn tập tin gốc> [khác nhau]|[giống nhau] (Use <original file path> [differs]|[identical])

If the original file path still exists, mark it as unpacked. Note that it won't be automatically reloaded from the drive. (differs) or (identical) show difference status between the packed version and the one on-drive.

Viết đè lên <đường dẫn tập tin gốc> (Overwrite <original file path>)

If the original file path still exists but differs from the packed version, mark it as unpacked and overwrite the on-drive file with the packed version.

Tạo <đường dẫn tập tin gốc> (Create <original file path>)

If the original file path does not exist, mark it as unpacked and write it to drive.

Đóng Gói Thư Viện Nối Kết (Pack Linked Libraries)

Tham Chiếu (Reference)

Panel (Bảng):

File ‣ External Data ‣ Pack Linked Libraries

Mark all linked library files in the current blend-file as packed. Actual packing will happen on the next save of the blend-file.

Giải Nén các Thư Viện Kết Nối (Unpack Linked Libraries)

Tham Chiếu (Reference)

Panel (Bảng):

File ‣ External Data ‣ Unpack Linked Libraries

Unpack all used linked library files from this blend-file.