Xoay Chiều (Rotation)
Tham Chiếu (Reference)
- Panel (Bảng):
These parameters specify how the individual particles are rotated during their travel. To visualize the rotation of a particle, display particles as Axis in the Hiển Thị Cổng Nhìn (Viewport Display) panel.
- Trục Định Hướng (Orientation Axis)
Sets the initial rotation of the particle by aligning the X axis in the direction of:
- Không (None)
Trục Toàn Cầu.
- Normal (Pháp Tuyến/Bình Thường)
Orient to the emitter's surface normal, the objects Y axis points outwards.
- Pháp Tiếp Tuyến (Normal-Tangent)
As with normal, orient the Y axis to the surface normal. Also orient the X axis to the tangent for control over the objects rotation about the normal. requires UV coordinates, the UV rotation effects the objects orientation, currently uses the active UV map. This allow deformation without the objects rotating in relation to their surface.
- Tốc Lực (Velocity)
The particle's initial velocity.
- X, Y, Z Toàn Cầu (Global X, Y, Z)
One of the global axes.
- X, Y, Z của Đối Tượng (Object X, Y, Z)
One of the emitter object axes.
- Ngẫu Nhiên (Random)
Ngẫu Nhiên Hóa Xoay Chiều.
- Pha [Sóng] (Phase)
Pha xoay chiều khởi đầu.
- Ngẫu Nhiên Hóa Pha (Randomize Phase)
Adds a random variation to the Phase.
- Năng Động (Dynamic)
If Dynamic is enabled, only initializes particles to the chosen rotation and angular velocity and let the physics simulation handle the rest. Particles then change their angular velocity if they collide with other objects (like in the real world due to friction between the colliding surfaces). Otherwise the angular velocity is predetermined at all times (i.e. set rotation to dynamic/constant).
Vận Tốc Góc (Angular Velocity)
Tham Chiếu (Reference)
- Panel (Bảng):
- Axis (Trục)
The selector specifies the axis of angular velocity to be.
- Không (None)
Đối tượng xoay chiều trục đứng.
- Xoáy (Spin)
The particles velocity vector.
- Ngẫu Nhiên (Random)
A random vector.
Gợi ý
Hướng Đạo theo Đường Cong (Curve Guide)
If you use a Curve Guide and want the particles to follow the curve, you have to set Angular Velocity to Spin and leave the rotation on Constant (i.e. do not turn on Dynamic). Curve Follow does not work for particles.
- Số Lượng (Amount)
The magnitude of angular velocity.