Common Shortcuts


.. Note that these conventions are for people reading the manual.
   we have more detailed list of conventions for authors under the writing style section.


Hotkey letters are shown in this manual like they appear on a keyboard; for example:

   refers to the lowercase ``g``.
:kbd:`Shift`, :kbd:`Ctrl`, :kbd:`Alt`
   are specified as modifier keys.
:kbd:`Ctrl-W`, :kbd:`Shift-Alt-A`, ...
   indicates that these keys should be pressed simultaneously.
:kbd:`Numpad0` to :kbd:`Numpad9`, :kbd:`NumpadPlus`
   refer to the keys on the separate numeric keypad.

Other keys are referred to by their names,
such as :kbd:`Esc`, :kbd:`Tab`, :kbd:`F1` to :kbd:`F12`.
Of special note are the arrow keys, :kbd:`Left`, :kbd:`Right` and so on.


This manual refers to mouse buttons as:

   Left Mouse Button
   Right Mouse Button
   Middle Mouse Button
   Scrolling the wheel.


Blender's default keymap has two main interaction modes: Right- and left-click-select.

In the past, Blender has used right-click-select to have a more clear
distinction between selection and action.
In this mode, the :kbd:`RMB` (Right Mouse Button) is generally used for
selection and the :kbd:`LMB` (Left Mouse Button) initiates or confirms actions.

Today, Blender users can choose between the older right-click-select method
and left-click-select, which makes Blender feel more like other software.

Video: `Learn the benefits of right-click-select <https://vimeo.com/76335056>`__.


While hovering (when the cursor is held over a button).


- :kbd:`Ctrl-C` -- Copy the (single) value of the button.
- :kbd:`Ctrl-V` -- Paste the (single) value of the button.
- :kbd:`Ctrl-Alt-C` -- Copy the entire vector or color of the field.
- :kbd:`Ctrl-Alt-V` -- Paste the entire vector or color of the field.
- :kbd:`RMB` -- Open the context menu.
- :kbd:`Backspace` -- Clear the value (sets to zero or clears a text field).
- :kbd:`Minus` -- Negate number values (multiply by -1.0).
- :kbd:`Ctrl-Wheel` -- Change the value incremental steps.

  For pop-up option menus buttons, this cycles the value.
- :kbd:`Return` -- Activates menus or toggles the value.

- :kbd:`Alt` -- Hold while editing values to apply the change to all selected items
  (objects, bones, sequence-strips).

  This can be used for number fields and toggles.


- :kbd:`I` -- Insert a keyframe.
- :kbd:`Alt-I` -- Clear the keyframe.
- :kbd:`Shift-Alt-I` -- Clear all keyframes (removing all F-curves).
- :kbd:`Ctrl-D` -- Assign a driver.
- :kbd:`Ctrl-Alt-D` -- Clear the driver.
- :kbd:`K` -- Add a Keying Set.
- :kbd:`Alt-K` -- Clear the Keying Set.

Python Scripting

- :kbd:`Ctrl-C` -- Over any :ref:`ui-operator-buttons` copies their Python command into the clipboard.

  This can be used in the Python Console or in the Text editor when writing scripts.
- :kbd:`Shift-Ctrl-C` -- Over property buttons copies their data path for this property
  (also available from the context menu).

  Useful when writing drivers or scripts.
- :kbd:`Shift-Ctrl-Alt-C` -- Over property buttons copies their *full* data path for the data-block and property.

  Note that in most cases it is best to access values based on the context, instead of by name.


- :kbd:`Ctrl` -- While dragging, snap to discrete steps.
- :kbd:`Shift` -- Gives precision control over the value.
- :kbd:`Shift-Ctrl` -- Precise snap will move the object with high precision
  along with the snapping constraint.

.. _ui-text-editing:

Text Editing

- :kbd:`Home` -- Go to the start.
- :kbd:`End` -- Go to the end.
- :kbd:`Left`, :kbd:`Right` -- Move the cursor a single character.
- :kbd:`Ctrl-Left`, :kbd:`Ctrl-Right` -- Move the cursor an entire word.
- :kbd:`Backspace`, :kbd:`Delete` -- Delete characters.
- :kbd:`Ctrl-Backspace`, :kbd:`Ctrl-Delete` -- Deletes words.
- :kbd:`Shift` -- While holding the key and moving the cursor selects.
- :kbd:`Ctrl-A` -- Select all text.
- :kbd:`Ctrl-C` -- Copy the selected text.
- :kbd:`Ctrl-X` -- Cut the selected text.
- :kbd:`Ctrl-V` -- Paste text at the cursor position.

Confirm and Cancel

- :kbd:`Esc`, :kbd:`RMB` -- Cancels.
- :kbd:`Return`, :kbd:`LMB` -- Confirms.

.. (todo?) deactivation: Some controls can be disabled, in Blender deactivated controls are still editable.
   That can be due to the current state or context. In that case, they appear in a lighter color.