**************** Common Shortcuts **************** Conventions =========== .. Note that these conventions are for people reading the manual. we have more detailed list of conventions for authors under the writing style section. Keyboards --------- Hotkey letters are shown in this manual like they appear on a keyboard; for example: :kbd:`G` refers to the lowercase ``g``. :kbd:`Shift`, :kbd:`Ctrl`, :kbd:`Alt` are specified as modifier keys. :kbd:`Ctrl-W`, :kbd:`Shift-Alt-A`, ... indicates that these keys should be pressed simultaneously. :kbd:`Numpad0` to :kbd:`Numpad9`, :kbd:`NumpadPlus` refer to the keys on the separate numeric keypad. Other keys are referred to by their names, such as :kbd:`Esc`, :kbd:`Tab`, :kbd:`F1` to :kbd:`F12`. Of special note are the arrow keys, :kbd:`Left`, :kbd:`Right` and so on. Mice ---- This manual refers to mouse buttons as: :kbd:`LMB` Left Mouse Button :kbd:`RMB` Right Mouse Button :kbd:`MMB` Middle Mouse Button :kbd:`Wheel` Scrolling the wheel. Mouse ===== Blender's default keymap has two main interaction modes: Right- and left-click-select. In the past, Blender has used right-click-select to have a more clear distinction between selection and action. In this mode, the :kbd:`RMB` (Right Mouse Button) is generally used for selection and the :kbd:`LMB` (Left Mouse Button) initiates or confirms actions. Today, Blender users can choose between the older right-click-select method and left-click-select, which makes Blender feel more like other software. Video: `Learn the benefits of right-click-select <https://vimeo.com/76335056>`__. Hovering ======== While hovering (when the cursor is held over a button). Properties ---------- - :kbd:`Ctrl-C` -- Copy the (single) value of the button. - :kbd:`Ctrl-V` -- Paste the (single) value of the button. - :kbd:`Ctrl-Alt-C` -- Copy the entire vector or color of the field. - :kbd:`Ctrl-Alt-V` -- Paste the entire vector or color of the field. - :kbd:`RMB` -- Open the context menu. - :kbd:`Backspace` -- Clear the value (sets to zero or clears a text field). - :kbd:`Minus` -- Negate number values (multiply by -1.0). - :kbd:`Ctrl-Wheel` -- Change the value incremental steps. For pop-up option menus buttons, this cycles the value. - :kbd:`Return` -- Activates menus or toggles the value. - :kbd:`Alt` -- Hold while editing values to apply the change to all selected items (objects, bones, sequence-strips). This can be used for number fields and toggles. Animation --------- - :kbd:`I` -- Insert a keyframe. - :kbd:`Alt-I` -- Clear the keyframe. - :kbd:`Shift-Alt-I` -- Clear all keyframes (removing all F-curves). - :kbd:`Ctrl-D` -- Assign a driver. - :kbd:`Ctrl-Alt-D` -- Clear the driver. - :kbd:`K` -- Add a Keying Set. - :kbd:`Alt-K` -- Clear the Keying Set. Python Scripting ---------------- - :kbd:`Ctrl-C` -- Over any :ref:`ui-operator-buttons` copies their Python command into the clipboard. This can be used in the Python Console or in the Text editor when writing scripts. - :kbd:`Shift-Ctrl-C` -- Over property buttons copies their data path for this property (also available from the context menu). Useful when writing drivers or scripts. - :kbd:`Shift-Ctrl-Alt-C` -- Over property buttons copies their *full* data path for the data-block and property. Note that in most cases it is best to access values based on the context, instead of by name. Dragging ======== - :kbd:`Ctrl` -- While dragging, snap to discrete steps. - :kbd:`Shift` -- Gives precision control over the value. - :kbd:`Shift-Ctrl` -- Precise snap will move the object with high precision along with the snapping constraint. .. _ui-text-editing: Text Editing ============ - :kbd:`Home` -- Go to the start. - :kbd:`End` -- Go to the end. - :kbd:`Left`, :kbd:`Right` -- Move the cursor a single character. - :kbd:`Ctrl-Left`, :kbd:`Ctrl-Right` -- Move the cursor an entire word. - :kbd:`Backspace`, :kbd:`Delete` -- Delete characters. - :kbd:`Ctrl-Backspace`, :kbd:`Ctrl-Delete` -- Deletes words. - :kbd:`Shift` -- While holding the key and moving the cursor selects. - :kbd:`Ctrl-A` -- Select all text. - :kbd:`Ctrl-C` -- Copy the selected text. - :kbd:`Ctrl-X` -- Cut the selected text. - :kbd:`Ctrl-V` -- Paste text at the cursor position. Confirm and Cancel ================== - :kbd:`Esc`, :kbd:`RMB` -- Cancels. - :kbd:`Return`, :kbd:`LMB` -- Confirms. .. (todo?) deactivation: Some controls can be disabled, in Blender deactivated controls are still editable. That can be due to the current state or context. In that case, they appear in a lighter color.