系统 部分允许设置显卡选项、内存限额和声音设置。
Cycles 渲染设备¶
修改 Cycles 渲染引擎使用的用于渲染图片的 计算设备 。Cycles可以使用CPU或者特定的GPU渲染图片,更多相关信息,参见 GPU渲染 页面。
- 无
当选择 无 或者只能选择 无 时,将使用CPU作为Cycles渲染器的计算设备。
如果系统具有兼容的Nvidia CUDA设备,它将显示为Cycles进行渲染时使用的选项。
- OptiX
If the system has a compatible Nvidia OptiX device, it will show up an option for rendering with Cycles.
- OpenCL
如果系统具有兼容的AMD OpenCL设备,它将显示为Cycles进行渲染时使用的选项。
内存 & 限额¶
- 撤销步数
- 撤消内存限额
- 全局撤销
启用后,Blender会保存 非 编辑模式 下执行的操作。比如,复制物体、修改面板设置或者切换模式。
See also
- 控制台回滚行数
在控制台窗口的内存中缓冲的行数。 用于调试和命令行渲染。
- 纹理超时
- 垃圾回收速率
- VBO超时
Time since last access of a GL vertex buffer object (VBO) in seconds after which it is freed (set to 0 to keep VBO allocated).
- 垃圾回收速率
Number of seconds between each run of the GL vertex buffer object garbage collector.
Video Sequencer¶
- Memory Cache Limit
Upper limit of the Video Sequencer and Movie Clip Editor memory cache (in megabytes). For an optimal Clip editor and Sequencer performance, high values are recommended.
- Use Disk Cache
Writes cached strips to disk which can store a lot more than to use Disk Cache, this option must be enabled, the Disk Cache Directory and Disk Cache Limit, and then save or reopen existing blend-file.
- Disk Cache Directory
The location on disk to store the cache.
- Disk Cache Limit
Upper limit of the Video Sequencer's disk cache (in gigabytes), setting to zero disables disk cache.
- Disk Cache Compression Level
The level of compression to compress image in the disk cache. This has a trade off between saving disk space and requiring more processing. The more compression used requires faster disk write/read speeds and more CPU usage.
See also
此面板包含Blender中实时播放的声音设置,仅当*SDL* 或 OpenAL 时可选。关于输出音频的控制设置请参考 编码面板 和 音频面板。
- 音频设备
- 无
使用来自 libsdl.org 的Simple Direct Media Layer API,将音频直接渲染到音频设备输出,适用于序列片段编辑。
- OpenAL
- 通道
Sets the audio channel count.
- 混合缓冲区
Sets the number of samples used by the audio mixing buffer. Higher buffer sizes can cause latency issues, but if you hear clicks or other problems, try to increase the size.
- 采样率
Sets the audio sampling rate.
- 采样格式
Sets the audio sample format.