选项卡 & 面板



Top: Horizontal Tab header in the Topbar. Bottom: Vertical Tab header shows tab icons in the Properties.



Vertical tabs can be switched with Ctrl-Wheel from anywhere in the tab. You can also cycle through tabs with Ctrl-Tab and Shift-Ctrl-Tab, or press down LMB and move mouse over tab header icons. (Workspace tabs do not use this keymap. See Workspace controls.)



Panels in Properties.

A panel is highlighted in yellow and a subpanel in red.

The smallest organizational unit in the user interface is a panel. The panel header show the title of the panel. It is always visible. Some panels also include subpanels.



  • 在面板标题栏 LMB 单击可以展开或收起。

  • 按下 A 展开/收起鼠标指针下方的面板。

  • 在面板标题栏 Ctrl-LMB 单击,将收起其余面板,仅展开该面板。

  • A Ctrl-LMB click on the header of a specific panel that contains subpanels will expand / collapse all subpanels.

  • LMB 在标题栏上方拖动可以一次展开或收起多个面板。


You can change the position of a panel within its region by clicking and dragging it with the LMB on the grip widget (::::) located in on the right side of the panel header.



A pinned panel remains visible regardless of which tab has been selected. You can pin a panel by clicking on the pin icon in its header. Panels that do not have a pin icon can also be pinned by RMB and selecting Pin, or you use Shift-LMB on the panel.


在区块上 Ctrl-MMB 单击并移动鼠标,或者在区块上按下 NumpadPlusNumpadMinus 可以改变区块的缩放比例,实现区块内容缩放。 按下 Home (显示所有) 可以重置鼠标指针所在屏幕/面板的缩放比例。