The add-on is composed by different tools for computational design.
打开Blender并转到 "首选项" ,然后转到 "附加组件" 选项卡。
选择 Mesh 然后选择 Tissue 以启用插件。
The Tessellate tool allows the user to copy a selected object (Component) on the faces of the active object (Generator), adapting its bounding box to the shape of quad faces. Once the Tessellate button was pressed, then more options will appear in the tool parameters. Update allows you to update the active the Tessellated mesh according to Component and Generator changes. You can also change the parameters of tessellation.
- New Object Name
Specify the name of the new object generated by the Tessellate tool.
- Generator:
- 填充模式
Allows to chose the filling method.
- 四边形
For quadrangular meshes Quad option is preferable.
- 扇形
While for polygonal meshes Fan works better.
- 合并
Removes duplicated vertices according to threshold value.
- 随机
Create a random of the components according to seed.
- Component:
- Component XY
Allows to chose how the component object is parametrized.
- 自适应
Automatically calculate the Bounding Box of the object.
- 常量
For more control chose Constant, that consider a domain in which X and Y go from 0.0 to 1.0.
- Component Z
Allows to chose how the thickness is calculated.
- 常量
Uses the Z of the component.
- Proportional
Using Proportional the Z of generated components changes according to generator faces area.
Using Proportional can create some openings if used with Merge options.
- 比例|缩放
Allows to change thickness of the generated mesh.
- 偏移量
Allows to offset the thickness from the center.
The options for the Update tool are the same of Tessellate. Furthermore, it allows to change Generator object and Component object.
Colors-Weight Exchanger¶
The Colors-Weight Exchanger consists of two tools: Colors from Weight and Weight from Colors that allow the user to convert the active vertex color to vertex group and vice versa.
Colors from Weight¶
- 转换至
- 反转
Weight from Colors¶
- 红色通道(Red Channel)
Add a vertex group derived to red channel of the active vertex color.
- 绿色通道(Green Channel)
Add a vertex group derived to green channel of the active vertex color.
- 蓝色通道(Blue Channel)
Add a vertex group derived to blue channel of the active vertex color.
- 值通道(Value Channel)
Add a vertex group derived to value channel of the active vertex color.
- 反转
对偶网格(Dual Mesh)¶
Dual Mesh 修改了所选的网格,创建了对偶网格。对偶网格的输出是由三角形网格衍生出的多边形网格。四角形网格之前会自动转换为三角形网格。
- 矩形面划分方法
将四边形分割成三角形的方法。(继承自 三角面 工具)
- 多边形法(Polygon Method)
将多边形分割成三角形的方法。(继承自 三角面 工具)
- 保护边界
- 类别
- 描述:
- 位置
- 文档
mesh_tissue 目录
- 作者
Alessandro Zomparelli ( Co-de-iT )
- 许可证
- 注意