- 面板
- 控制模式
- 参数编辑器模式
Lines are rendered via the parameter editor, easy but limited.
- Python 脚本编写模式
线条通过 Python脚本 进行渲染,强大而复杂。
- 视图映射缓存
Although the ''View map cache'' checkbox is a view layer option, the cache memory is shared by all view layers and scenes. This means that if Freestyle is used for two or more view layers (possibly in different scenes through the Compositor), then the cached view map for one view layer is replaced by a new view map for another view layer and hence no performance gain is expected.
- 作为渲染通道
自由泳线不会立即显示在渲染图像的顶部。相反,自由泳线被渲染为 渲染通道 ,该图像可以与具有 Alpha Over 节点的渲染图像合成。
- 面平滑度
在计算边缘时考虑 平滑阴影。
- 折痕角
如果两个相邻的面形成小于所定义的 角阈值 的角,则在使用线集中的边缘类型选择时将呈现它们之间的边缘。该值也影响 轮廓 边缘类型选择。
- 剔除对象
- Advanced Options
- 球半径
影响线集中的 脊 、 谷 和 暗示轮廓 边类型选择的曲率计算。每个顶点的曲率是通过在指定半径内对曲面的形状求平均值来计算的。增加该值可减少噪点和细节。
- 极小 Kr 导数
Controls the threshold on the minimum rate of change of curvature used to filter the output of the Suggestive Contour edge type selection. Increasing the value reduces the amount of rendered lines, starting from smoother areas of the object (further information in this pdf).